Unreal Software's CS2D Map Format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version: This specification is compatible with CS2D The map format is backwards compatible to (most) older CS2D versions. It is also probably compatible with newer versions, otherwise you should find the latest version of this document at: http://unrealsoftware.de/files_pub/cs2d_spec_map_format.txt Data types: BYTE = unsigned byte, 8 bit, values from 0 to 255 SHORT = unsigned short, 16 bit, values from 0 to 65535 INT = signed integer, 32 bit, values from -2^31 to 2^31-1 STRING = string, 8 bit per character, ended with a linebreak BYTE/SHORT/INT defaults to the value 0 (use default when -unused-) STRING defaults to an empty string with linebreak (use default when -unused-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1) HEADER STRING header, must contain the string "Unreal Software's CS2D Map File" (since or the string "Unreal Software's Counter-Strike 2D Map File" (deprecated) " (max)" is added at the end since CS2D Beta (codename "CS2D Max") ----- 10 bytes for map settings / info BYTE scroll map like tiles? (0 no / 1 yes) BYTE use modifiers in this map (blending, tile rotation, tile brightness) (0 no / 1 yes) BYTE save tile heights with map? (0 no / 1 / 2) - this value defaults to 2 since, was 0 before BYTE use 64x64 pixel tiles? (0 no / 1 yes) - this defaults to 0 which means 32x32 pixel tiles BYTE - unused - BYTE - unused - BYTE - unused - BYTE - unused - BYTE - unused - BYTE - unused - ----- 10 ints for map settings / info INT Uptime of system (in millisecs) when map has been saved INT USGN ID of the map author with an offset of +51 (0 if author was not logged in) INT Map daylight time: value from 0 to 360 + 1000 (0 if not specified, will fall back to 225 then) INT - unused - INT - unused - INT - unused - INT - unused - INT - unused - INT - unused - INT - unused - ----- 10 strings for map settings / info STRING name of the map author STRING name of the program used to save the map (since, e.g.: "CS2D Client") STRING - unused - STRING - unused - STRING - unused - STRING - unused - STRING - unused - STRING - unused - STRING - unused - STRING - unused - ----- More map settings STRING string which is built this way (map_xsize (in tiles) * map_ysize (in tiles)) + "x" + tile_count + "$" + CurrentSystemTime (HHMMSS) + "%" + SystemUpTime (in Milliseconds) STRING filename of the tilset image (without path but with extension, "aztec.bmp" for example) BYTE number of tiles required from this tileset (tile_count) -1 (because it starts at 0) (either full number of tiles in that set or at least frame of highest tile that has been used in map) INT map width (map_xsize) in tiles -1 (because it starts at 0) INT map height (map_ysize) in tiles -1 (because it starts at 0) STRING filename of map background image (without path but with extension INT map background scroll x speed INT map background scroll y speed BYTE map background color red BYTE map background color green BYTE map background color blue ----- Header Test STRING string to test if header is okay with value "ed.erawtfoslaernu" (unrealsoftware.de backwards) (2) Tile Modes ----- The following byte is saved tile_count+1 times (for each used tile, in a single loop, for i=0 to tile_count; ...) BYTE tile mode for tile with that frame/index (starting with frame/index 0 for the first tile in the tileset) Tile modes are: 0 normal floor without sound 1 wall 2 obstacle 3 wall without shadow 4 obstacle without shadow 5 wall that is rendered at floor level 10 floor dirt 11 floor snow (with footprints and fx) 12 floor step 13 floor tile 14 floor wade (water with wave fx) 15 floor metal 16 floor wood 50 deadly normal 51 deadly toxic 52 deadly explosion 53 deadly abyss (3) Tile Heights ----- The tile heights are only saved if "save tile heights" (header) is greater than 0 ----- This is a feature introduced with CS2D Older versions can't load maps with this additional data! ----- If the above condition is true, the following data is saved tile_count+1 times If "save tile heights" is 1 (only used in pre-release): INT tile height in pixels (for 3D mode) Else If "save tile heights" is 2 (default since SHORT tile height in pixels (for 3D mode) BYTE tile 3D modifier (for 3D mode, bit flags) ----- If heights are not saved, the default heights are 32 for walls, 16 for obstacles and 0 for everything else ----- If 3D modifiers are not saved, they default to 0 (4) Map ----- The following byte is saved in a nested loop (for x=0 to map_xsize; for y=0 to map_ysize; ...) BYTE tile index for tile at that map position (starting with frame/index 0 for the first tile in the tileset) ----- The following stuff is only saved if "use map modifiers" (header) is 1 (for each tile in the same way as above in a nested loop) ----- Modifiers have been added with Beta and improved in later versions. They are not available in earlier versions. BYTE tile modifier at that map position Depending on the value of that byte there can be additional stuff saved: (the following stuff is not used in current versions at all but should be implemented for compatibility with future versions) If the bits for the values 64 OR 128 are 1 in that byte: If the bits for 64 AND 128 are 1 STRING - unused - Else If the bit for 64 is 1 and the bit for 128 is 0: BYTE frame for tile modification Else (the bit for 64 is 0 and the bit for 128 is 1): BYTE tile color red BYTE tile color green BYTE tile color blue BYTE tile overlay frame (5) Entities INT number of entities in the map (entity_count) ----- The following set of data is saved entity_count times (for i=1 to entity_count; ...) STRING entity name (editor name field content) BYTE entity type (see http://www.cs2d.com/entities.php for reference) INT entity x position on map (tile) INT entity y position on map (tile) STRING entity trigger(s) (editor trigger field content) ----- The following two values are saved 10 times per entity (INT,STRING,INT,STRING,INT,STRING ....; or for i=1 to 10; ...) ----- See http://www.cs2d.com/entities.php for reference how which fields are used with which entity types INT entity integer setting, value depending on entity type (-unused- for some entities) STRING entity string setting, value depending on entity type (-unused- for some entities) (6) End of file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unreal Software, 05.06.2017 www.UnrealSoftware.de www.CS2D.com