yeah every kind of MASSIVE exaggeration like this one is likely to cause problems.
I can explain the health issue to you: the health values are saved as signed integers. an integer is a 32-bit value and can store values from -2^31 ( -2147483648 ) to 2^31-1 ( 2147483647 ). it's typical that the value wraps and becomes negative when you exceed the maximum value. and that's exactly what happened: you were insane enough to think that it would be nice to have over 2 billion (!) hp and exceeded the maximum positive value an integer can store. you therefore reached a negative value and a negative health value always means that you are dead
this will probably never happen in a normal game with a weaponset which actually makes sense...
Heh , i Health Overdosed with a OMGWTFBBQWTFTVLOLOWNEDPWNEDUBERROFLLOL Mega Health pack that gave you 70 Gigazillions of Health
cool, make a weapon out of it so you can "heal" one of your opponents and his computer will crash and he has to restart, this will be a weapon that heals ingame but hurts in RL
One more thing, the kill things (like Xplosive belt or For allah or Anvil) just deals 10000 dmg. So, if health>10000 then you will not die by suicide! (it is maybe offtopic, but it fits thread name), so for script i suggest