Here you can find source code, a description of the Unreal Software Web API and more!
Source Codes
Stranded I Source (Blitz 3D)
Stranded II Source (Blitz3D)
CS2D Source (Blitz3D, Old version! Newest is closed source!)
Unreal Software Connect
A web API which allows external services and websites to detect if a user is the owner of a certain account.
Step 1: Get the nick
Let the user enter their username
Step 2: Open Link
Let the user open the following link should be a random value (String) that you can define yourself. Maximum length is 255 characters. Random numbers or timestamps are advisable. The user has to be logged in at to open that link. The connect value of the user account will then be set to the given value. (with the optional parameter autoclose=1 the window will be closed after confirmation, with the optional parameter redirect=URL you will be redirected after confirmation)Step 3: Check membership
Afterwards open the following link internally is the name which has been entered in step 1. RANDOM has to be the same value as in step 2.The script returns the user ID (a number > 0) if the account has the connect value RANDOM. This means, that the account belongs to this user. Otherwise it returns 0.
You can also use keyofid=USERID instead of keyof=USERNAME if you want to work with the ID instead.
Please note
Step 3 resets the connect value. So step 3 can only return the ID once. Moreover usernames may contain special characters. You should use the function urlencode() when using PHP or a comparable function in other languages!Moreover you can use the script to get the name or ID of a user:
Get name by ID
Get ID by name
User List
A list with all users in a pure text format is available atwith STARTOFFSET as offset value (start at user X with 0 for the first) and the amount
Returns one line per user with the structure: ID,NAME. Replace raw with rawc to get a list including the country codes: ID,NAME,COUNTRY.
You can useUser Data
You can request user data using
- avatar rel. path of the user avatar image (prepend for complete URL). No output if there is no avatar.
- name name of the user.
- mode mode of the user as internal integer ID.
- modetxt mode of the user as string.
- country country of the user (country code with 2 letters or -- if not set).
- regdate registration date as unix timestamp. 0 if user registered before November 2004.
- json Returns all of the above values (except for modetxt) plus user ID as JSON.