Vips text is green
Vips can kick. Exept if the player is CT(rp_ct=true or team = 2 [Try to use both Both].
Colors = { green = "000255000", red = "255000000", blue = "000000255", yellow = "255255000",brown = "153119061",orange = " 217067000"} AdminTable = { Rank = {} } addhook("say","AdminSay") function NewAdmin(USGN,COLOR,RANK) AdminTable[USGN] = { C = COLOR, R = RANK} local A = AdminTable[USGN] end function AdminSay(P,T) local A = AdminTable[player(P,"usgn")] if A then msg("©"..Colors[string.lower( A.C )]..player(P,"name").." ("..string.upper( A.R ).."): "..T) return(1) end return(0) end NewAdmin(15476,"Red","Likes Pie...")