Tiles from 1.6
Tiles from 1.6
4 replies question I've always had, is how do certain map-makers seem to get high-quality tiles from cs 1.6 (remaking purposes)? The best would be to go into CS1.6, screen the tile and then just resize it. I guess that's how they mostly do it. Daaaamn, I remeber something about wad files
Cause I don't have 1.6, oh well. I'll look for map layout and rip them out. FlooD GAME BANNED
get GCFScape
overview files also work sometimes.
btw use
developer 1
sv_cheats 1
bind "impulse 107" "mouse3"
in 1.6
impulse 107 tells you which texture your crosshair is on aw, flood. always so resourceful
thank you bro! release some maps soon pl0x.