A function to mute the player from the server. (Do not show their text) (Not only for admins), for example some players who spend their days insult you.
THis is nice also team radio just like on CSS ( Menu : Players : Mute/unmute )
More Smarter Bots even at their Noob Skills
The AWP when shot faster Reload
NPCs Move without a Player or Bot on Sight
Terrorist Bots Guard the Bomb when Planed and CT Guard Bombsites and Bomb When Dropped
Damage will be more effective when Shot Straight while and only 1 Damage when near the Shoulder.
Cooler Player Animations.
That is All!
maybe remove the /debuglag 1
or options more debug and logging debuglag It bypass stealth because it will attach a square color red on players which makes easier to see stealth players
2 more Zombie NPC´s
2 more alien NPC´s
replace old player skins to Zeroarcanus CS player skins http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=5515
jumpable obstacles
new right, up, down Func_mesagge
Npc´s CT, T Teammates
online friends chat in-game
LMAO! It's called "Gaussian blur" - Battlefield 3 does this to indicate that you are "suppressed", by blurring out your screen a little indicating that you won't be shooting at 100% efficiency.
LMAO! It's called "Gaussian blur" - Battlefield 3 does this to indicate that you are "suppressed", by blurring out your screen a little indicating that you won't be shooting at 100% efficiency.
Seems legit, should be added to Unreal Software for suppression then, also another way would be when bullets of all sorts fly pass you it will have the same effect. [caps]for realism[/caps]