I suggest the use of one of these engines, Source, or the great series of Torque engines.
Since most of you know about the source engine let me explain the Torque series of engines. It is an easy-to-use (at least for making models it is) and kinda advanced engine. They have 1 free one, but it only has OpenGL support, and isn't as great (but it still is good. So I suggest using the ones you buy as they are VERY advanced and easy to use and can make GREAT games as it is also used in the original Tribes game. Another great thing about the Torque series of engines is that it is EXTREMELY FLEXIBLE AND COMPATIBLE. You can make a Lego looking game like Blockland, or a First Person-Shooter like Tribes: Ascend. You can make anything.
edited 1×, last 02.07.12 03:20:32 am