Then no need to adapt it, anyone can just install screenlets and just paste the script like it says here. It could be installed as web application/widget.
Somehow im not sure if this is that easy, can you try to do that please?
It's a super primitive and short JavaScript that I wrote today within a few minutes after I noticed that those gadgets are written in JavaScript. It's basically just a simple Ajax call performed with setInterval every 30 seconds. Feel free to take and modify the script for other platforms or whatever.
I also extended the page behavior to make this possible without parsing any HTML pages from the U.S.G.N.! The link displays the Carnage Contest server count (same works for cs2d by replacing the cc with cs2d)
Tested on my Windows 7 Home Premium tablet-PC and it worked perfectly.
But now for my XP desktop, I use Rainmeter, can't any one port that app to there? Shouldn't be hard, I guess.