CS2D General Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!@ Masea: I believe DC would only have to add '(x*32+16)+"|"+(y*32+16)' and it would show what warden needs. Of course it's easy to do it yourself but you can help out people greatly if you implement these little things in your code.
@ sonkii: This has been suggested tons of times. Looks like someone hasn't read the idea thread properly. Shame on you.
@ sonkii: it can done with LUA, but it's quite hard for beginners like meh.
You can't change ROF either.
when something is different from the original, automatically the user get ban for a definite time CS2D
[DATABASE] CS2D Without edit
[NORMAL-USER] [Check the cs2d ] [Compare] Can Pass
[Cheating-USER]Cheater try to bypass...[Check the cs2d] [Compare] Can't pass and get ban game
USER --> CS2D --> DATABASE -- > Pass
Cheater --> CS2D --\ DATABASE / -- >ByPass(Database) , the ban.
As DC is currently working totally on Stranded III project I would safely say this idea is pretty much like thrown out in the cold - it won't be implemented any time soon.
CS2D Updates has written
Tile #0 is not rendered in mini map / map export / radar (when it's a normal ground tile)
Tile shadows won't be rendered on tile #0 anymore.
Tile shadows won't be rendered on tile #0 anymore.
An option [setting] in the map editor to disable this feature would be good too.
I im put a tile with id 0,the nearest wall will not casting a shadows.Just like in cs_office map,the snow tile begins at id 0.
menuor something like that. When call
player(id,"menu")returns bool. True if has menu, false otherwise.
Or the menu's title?
Searched and find nothing (or i didnt searched correct)
Edit: i made it with lua sry
edited 1×, last 25.07.16 12:45:50 am
An option [in setting] to disable the weathers.Some map would spam this.
Baloon has written
@ Waldin: it will be dangerous whenever player spams that function in laggy server, and it may crashes the server.
Player spams the function?
I mean, like the player function (
Player name = player(id,"name"))
So to see if a player has a menu
if player(id,"menu") then
I dont get how a player can spam the function...
Waldin has written
So to see if a player has a menu
I know what you mean about "player is looking a menu", I think it's laggy because owner will receive many packets or somewhat.
Make the players sprites support white transparent (white aphla channel).Or support all aphla channels.
How about we can hide the npc with an option at ENV_NPC.
Also,i like to hear cs2d npcs footstep.
Lol,i forgot this one.
Hostages needs legs support too.
Note:I will edit this post later.
edited 1×, last 27.07.16 06:54:52 am
player(id,"menu")in LUA it can be done by LUA already :
Admin/mod comment
Sorry but we do not accept these trollish attempt on abusing More tags. /ZxC §2.4 - Use tags sparingly and only when they add value I has written
Edit: i made it with lua sry
PM if you want the code that works