CS2D General Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)! Capii Wilson has written
Achievements, Workshop, Co-op Of a 2 with joystick, Skins inventory of weapons
Coop with joystick?wtf. You can open two tabs of cs2d(maybe not future release)
Skin inventory of weapons?This is certainly not csgo.
edited 1×, last 30.07.17 09:33:21 am
But i like your idea about show your ping with great font.
Join hook - activates when player has loaded the map and is in-game
This issue is causing a lot of problems, using timers or other hooks is a workaround & hack, but not a fix.
each gun need its type of ammo ex: pistols need .45 ammo rifles
players can lean left and right which gives chance to dodge bullet
or reduce dmg
players can prone on the ground in 2x1 area and not on the stairs or on 1x1 area
player can use scope only if there nothing blocking it like walls and can use obstacles
4. more building
player can build observers to see enemy's on the radar on a meduim raduis
players can build repair station to repair nearby building built by teammates
SQ has written
This scoreboard is becoming quite complicated
Kills column maybe?
Score // Kills // Assists // Deaths
And money for your teammates in competitive?
united has written
Hey let's not fuck the scoreboard until SQ narrow some redundant spaces such as of Score, Assist and Deaths which can be mostly reached to 3 digits. Score // Kills // Assists // Deaths
And money for your teammates in competitive?
And money for your teammates in competitive?
Masea has written
Main problem I think is that it's 2 columns; it'd probably look better if done vertically, plus there'd be more space for this kind of things.
I'm not against one way or the other, CS:GO has both teams displayed vertically whilst in Battlefield the scoreboard is divided into two columns. In CS2D's case I think vertical display would be more suitable since it'll rarely display 10+ players per team (at least competitively).
PS: "clan" column could be possible too maybe?
united has written
Well, I'm not quite sure if they would like to back to it. They thought the current version will be better and positive.I'm not against one way or the other, CS:GO has both teams displayed vertically whilst in Battlefield the scoreboard is divided into two columns. In CS2D's case I think vertical display would be more suitable since it'll rarely display 10+ players per team (at least competitively).
united has written
Clans can be actually pointed out next to the names actually. Of course - with a different color.PS: "clan" column could be possible too maybe?
And I didn't get that why Kills are that important?
Also, as for visual addition; you can put a "Map:" with a gray color(or just think yourself) to the head of the map name.
4th argument for customkill server command. Determines wether this kill will affect the killer player rank on the statistics system (maybe, the victim player as well).
sv_statsignorebots server command if above does not get added. This command would make the server statistics system ignore and discard kills where the bots are the victims.
sv_showusgn server command. This command would determine wether the players should be able to see each others USGN (and avatar) through their scoreboard.
<h> argument for global hudtxts (and other "for everybody" like stuff that needs positioning such as lua images, if possible). This argument, when used like hudtxt 0 "Yank's Server" 5 <h> 1, would make all players (possibly running different resolutions) have the specified hud on the top center portion of their screen. Thus, for example, hudtxt 1 "You" <g> <h> 1 would be positioned on the center of (again) each individual player screen, on their actual player image.
> Other ones but probably, not as easy to implement
voice lua hook. Pretty self-explanatory, triggered whenever a player uses his voice. Return 0 or 1 to determine wether the voice is played and heard by all the players. Would be nice if we could like, Return 1+ ID to allow only player ID to hear it though.
_Yank has written
Similar to \169 (the C symbol), \127 (which appears to be an inprintable character) which when used would make the text ahead have no drop shadow. This would apply to both hudtxt and msg/msg2.
edited 2×, last 12.08.17 02:27:20 am
EDIT: Ah, I didn't see you said that "for everyone", it was only for the server. Sorry.
It would be good if spec was not flashed when the player he's watching is flashed. Why do we (competitive guys) cry so much about the new specmode for streamers?
That is why And that wasnt specmode 1, as i remember we had a guy who wrote smth like a cheat to view the game, it was implemented with server somehow, cant remember much, already 7 years ago. We've had streamers ever since, but with specmode 2 its just very very hard to do this
Since ICC v10 is upcoming (a very important clan competition), it would be nice to finally have this option available, but I'm not rushing nobody, just a slight addition for the new specmode option .