Shawni You are dammn right. My obvious goal is to "steal" a banned profile which was inactive for a half a year.
Cheats... why the fuck I would use a fucking cheat. This game is already full of hackers and idiots. I don't used any cheats, alright bro? chill. I can say anything to you, If you don't believe for me, I don't really care.
Ahmad Nope, he is just an old friend from the good old US times.
(Im sorry going a bit off topic)
iFap - are you brain damaged or something? Since when did i imply imply that im a badass - Get yourself checked please before typing random sh*t. How does my previous post make me a badass? (Also love how you say it while using iFap as a nickname - really brings out you're inner child in you)
Anyway, it was sarcasm, if you think I am a thief. If you write for thoose kids what DC sad, well, sorry for that. I just writed a quick answer, and I probably don't thinked about it a lot of time. If this happened, sorry bro.
What The heck is wrong with this thread, Stealing Accounts to insulting Others in some way
Also it's good how your not gonna give claim accounts which arent theirs by evidence or showing poof is great way
It's so weird how you registered 5 Days ago(6 maybe) but ohwell. *troll*
@Starkzz And instead giving me Temp ban, give me idiot rank. Love that
Time to close. Keep my words in mind. Don't send me PMs/mails about this and also don't ask me to unban any of your accounts. You are not even allowed to have more than one account (EVEN AND ESPECIALLY if your first account is banned!). It's like saying to a prison guard: "hey, get me out of here. I just told a contract killer to kill person y for me. So the death of person x (which is the reason for being here) doesn't matter anymore!". Also to me it sounds like "Hey idiot, I'm simply ignoring all your rules and I create as many accounts as I want. Now do what I want and unban one of my accounts."