I don't know if this happens to you but whenever I want to "preview" or "submit" my comment, the website is being somewhat too slow which makes it way longer to me post it. The interesting thing is, this only happens when I'm about to "submit" or "preview" my comment and nowhere else - the rest in the website is just normal.
I've been getting the issue for maybe 2 years... Not sure how long, sorry.
I used to do this way faster a long ago. What happened which would cause this? Anyone knows? Does anyone get the same issue? DC?
@ Seekay: It is not "just a few seconds", it takes at least 15 seconds here. But, as Gaios has mentioned, that the host is German and you live in Germany, maybe this is why it is "just a few seconds" for you (Not sure if it is the case really, just guessing)
It also is randomly as Avo said - like this time, it submitted immediately.
@ LoaderFRA: It's actually a quite serious problem. It makes it really hard to use the forum properly and I'm quite sure that many people stop using the site when they hit such problems.
Yeah, I'm rather late with this reply, but, for now, before it's fixed, whenever you try to post something, click "submit" and exit the webpage and come back to it. It should be done.