Steam bans were not saved properly
Lua command player("windowed") did not always return the right value
Lua hook "hostagedamage" did not work (was called "hostedamage" internally)
Lua hook "shieldhit" sometimes returned wrong weapon IDs (e.g. for turrets)
Lua hook "hit" returned wrong weapon IDs (e.g. for turrets) when it was friendly fire
Updated network library, possibly fixing some stability issues / vulnerabilities
New weapon: Tesla Coil (ID 92)
Lua UTF-8 support for "menu" command
Lua hook "sayutf8" (text as UTF-8, "hello" = "x68x65x6Cx6Cx6F")
Lua hook "sayteamutf8" (text as UTF-8)
Lua hook "connect_attempt" (when a client attempts to connect)
Lua hook "connect_initplayer" (when a player instance is created for a connecting player)
"delay" parameter added to Lua hook "endround"
Lua command stats(0, 'count')
Lua command steamstats(0, 'count')