Looks good though
News Website Update 2023Looks good though
If the old design really, really, really can't come back, then at least make the content fill my screen. Currently everything forms a small column in the middle of my screen, which is what a mobile display should look like, not any modern computer:
Everything is very organized and looks great, experiment for a while on the new site to provide a genuine opinion.
Although I have strong feelings about the old style, I love the new one jeje.
SlyCooperReloadCoded has written
"Noooo please don't turn me into an oversimplified website!" Seriously, this feels so... dead and corporate. It's like a childhood arcade closed its doors, it's so depressing. There's very little in life that can make me actually really cry, but I'm on the verge of tears seeing all the nostalgia go away. This isn't UnrealSoftware anymore, this is like unrealsoftwarefanpage.wordpress.com. I get that everything needs to change eventually but I still hate everything about this, there's zero charm in the site anymore. I get that I have strong opinions, but I've been on this site for so long that I still have fond memories of the Laboratory page and Mouse Trail. Remember that? This hurts.
If the old design really, really, really can't come back, then at least make the content fill my screen. Currently everything forms a small column in the middle of my screen, which is what a mobile display should look like, not any modern computer:
If the old design really, really, really can't come back, then at least make the content fill my screen. Currently everything forms a small column in the middle of my screen, which is what a mobile display should look like, not any modern computer:
I get your feeling, it's so very grey and bland.
The old website had this "under construction" vibe with all the various colours, which made it seem so much more elegant.
Not to mention it fit with the theme of "DC creating goofy games".
The current style looks like a place-holder HTML page more so than a finished product.
And maybe that's because it is? I'm not sure how "finished" this design is.
I don't hate it, per say, but I do miss the old theme.
I had the same feeling with the rebranded CS2D.com website, I even asked for the old website link.
Check this out!
I wish this was possible for the main website too, just so we can better guess what's missing by easily comparing the two websites.
But I know much of the internals are different which likely means it won't be possible to have the keki and eat it too.
The mixed opinions on the new design are to be expected, and yes I believe the old one looked better (for now at least), but I know the new one is better equipped to the future requirements of the internet.
Using the old website on a phone was no less than a nightmare and it did look very much outdated.
It's easy to blame the new design but the old one had its fair share of problems too.
DC is taking a step forward, and maybe it's not a step we would all take, but it's a step nevertheless, a step worth taking.
We couldn't possibly stick to the old theme forever, and I'm sure most of the marvels are within the back-end of the website and not the front-end.
Regarding the page being narrow / note using up all space (I use 2560x1440 screens so I know what you're talking about): I commented on that here
Additionaly there is a chance that I will add a "wide mode" but I'm not sure about this yet.
Mami Tomoe has written
Using the old website on a phone was no less than a nightmare and it did look very much outdated.
It was rather inconvenient than a nightmare. I had no problems using the old theme. The new one is giving me more problems.
Quoting does't work sometimes for no reason whatsoever and I sometimes get redirected to page 1 after posting in a topic.
Chingy has written
Quoting does't work sometimes for no reason whatsoever and I sometimes get redirected to page 1 after posting in a topic.
On Safari no problems but u know, when You u go back page (like meanwhile editing this my post I do ctrl +back) it always throw you to the first page of current topic, this happened in old site too but after you post and click "back to the thread" is everything ok. Also noticed this thing with pages that throw u back to the first page