TehNinja65 has written
I guess you are referring to the random map scripts? They are located in the sys-folder and are called random_whatever.infto do that, i need to mess around with the map generator; where would i find the files to modify this?
TehNinja65 has written
Also, how would i add specific ways for the map to generate? (I want buildings to be on the sides of roads... if that is too hard i could make the map generator make the entire terrain a road and just place buildings on it.)
So you just want a road through that map. That would require much grafical prework with the textures in the gfx-folder. Not sure about that, but i would try to make a texture that looks like the entire terrain and import it into the map editor. if it looks good, then you can use the texture in the randommap-script with terraintexture <pathoftexture>;
TehNinja65 has written
Blender works fine, you have to export the models into *.b3d format. I am using Milkshape3D, but its no freeware like Blender. By default you place your modelfiles into the gfx-folder, b3d-format.Also, is there a specific 3d modeler i need to use for Stranded 2, or can i just use blender? And what do i convert the files to/where do i put them?
TehNinja65 has written
There are zombies in Stranded II? O.o Anyway check out the units.inf in the sys-folder, i think you are smart enough to understand the definition pattern, if you are coding python.In addition, i want to add a new enemy (zombie) and remove the existing ones. How would i do that?
TehNinja65 has written
The last thing i need to know is where i add crafting recipes
TehNinja65 has written
and how do i add the materials to use for these buildings? (Like logs or branches or leaves in your inventory:
TehNinja65 has written
how do i add materials that can be harvested and used?)
Objects-files and item-files.
You really should take some time and look into the .inf-files in the sys-folder, they are quite self explaining.