your_eye has written
hey i've been playing cs2d for a while but i never bothered to check the website. i guess theres always a good time for introductions, eh? (no im not from Canada, im from Alabama, USA actually). i wouldnt mind joining a clan thats active... or i could create one. Im no amature at HTML or website design, so if you want to create a clan with he just eMail me@ - Email address (only visible with login) -.
I can be active every other day on weekdays (school) and most weekends.
My timezone is CT -6:00, incase that matters.
i need at least 3 replies before i make the clan. again, email me@ - Email address (only visible with login) -
I'll help you make a clan^^ .I've been playing for almost 2 years and i have just left [TGV] because they recruit too much noobs. So if you make a clan ill be happy to join^^