Bad re-join delay after a map change (was 3000 seconds instead of 3)
Fixed vulnerability which allowed to disrupt communication between servers and the U.S.G.N.
The "Friends" button blink effect was misplaced after introduction of "Quick Play"
Crash when killing an already killed player
All sounds should now be stopped on disconnect or server shutdown
Left handed option checkbox in options showed inversed state
Server details window (rightclick on server in list) displayed some wrong texts
"Quick Play" won't try to join a server you failed to join because of a ban again (in the same session)
New light engine with better performance, more features and without map size limit
Using new skins from smn's "First Complete Skin Pack"! Thanks to smn!
Tile #0 is not rendered in mini map / map export / radar (when it's a normal ground tile)
Tile shadows won't be rendered on tile #0 anymore
Hostage skin rendering now supports alpha channels instead of simple masking only
Improved bullet & bullet hole particles/effects
Interrupting (Ctrl+C, SIGINT) or closing (X button, SIGBREAK) a dedicated server will now gracefully stop it
Bigger explosion animation with more frames
Support for multiple sound file extensions: ogg and wav (tries to load in that order)
Support for multiple image file extensions: png, bmp and jpg (tries to load in that order)
The game now actually scales up when using custom resolutions, borders only for non 4:3 resolutions
Rebalanced shotguns to reflect CS 1.6 more accurately
New super awesome advanced radar with included mini map
Command setteamscores tscore ctscore (sets the team scores for Ts and CTs)
Command sv_soundpos soundfile x y player (plays a sound at a certain position and, if provided, a certain player)
Command sv_forcelight to force advanced lighting to be enabled for all clients
Command sv_daylighttime to change the time influencing the day light
Commands setbackground, setbackgroundscroll and setbackgroundtiles (set map background image, its scrolling speed and scrolling-as-tiles mode)
Spritesheet support for Lua images
_CS2DVERSION Lua global
Image wiggling (player images with X >= 2 wiggle with the player, if enabled on the client side)
Lua image modes 4 (background image, covered by everything, including floor tiles) and 233-264 (background image following player)
Clientdata mode 4 will now also return an SHA256 checksum of the requested file (empty string if file is outside gfx/ or sfx/)
New "spectating" property to Lua function player and new "specswitch" Lua hook
Lua functions checksumfile and checksumstring (get SHA256 checksum of file or string)
Main menu music (sfx/menu.ogg)
Round-by-round reloading for shotguns ("_roundin.wav" files for custom reload sounds)
Lua hook "shutdown" (on server shutdown)
Lua functions io.enumdir (iterate over all files in a given directory) and io.isdir (check if a given path points to a directory)
More resolutions added to Launcher.exe
Info_RadarIcon entity which allows to place icons for the advanced radar on the map
Some new settings for Env_Room, Env_Light and Env_LightStripe
Day light time setting for maps in map editor
Light effect for molotov cocktail fire
Serverlist now has a light column which shows the "force light" setting
Serverlist status icons are now animated and more fancy
Modding support (see mods/Readme.txt)
Editor map export opens CS2D folder for easier access to mapexport.png
Command line parameter "-systemmouse" to use the mouse pointer from the OS instead of the CS2D mouse pointer
Dynamic object id parameter added to Lua hooks "hit", "shieldhit", "kill" and "die"
"Classic Skins" mod, containing the old player & weapon skins from previous versions
Removed connection setting