Ok, no, let`s get constructive. I`ve peeked at the skill files first.
1) Резать деревья. Рубят их. РУБЯТ. Cutting a tree translates as "срубить дерево".
Топорник - that`s an outdated term for fireman. Namely, a guy with the axe who was supposed to breach the way into burning buildings for watercarriers and rescuers.
2) Сад хербы. I cried. Herbal Garden - "сад целебных трав".
Фрукто-мастер - genius. Pure genius. Word "садовник" is not good enough?
3) Динамиты and мочить рыб. Why? While humoristic point of this is subpar as is, it`s also flat-out misleading. There`s NO dynamite - neither for fishing, nor otherwise.
4) Рытьё. For crying out loud - "землекопные работы". Или просто землекопство. Кусай-корень - this is a plant called левиция.
I had no endurance to look any further. In short, the quality of this translation is comparable to that of Google Translator. Aka, cringe-inducing and provoking random bouts of derisive laugh.