Make sure to follow step by step otherwise it might not work.
Step 1: Close your game completely.
Step 2: Go into the folder CS2D/sys
Step 3: Delete the file usgn_upw
Step 4: Replace your usgn.dat file with this one: Download
Step 5 for STEAM users:
Go into the game's properties from the game library and set the launch options to
Step 5 for non-STEAM users:
Create a shortcut to your CS2D executable if you haven't already and open the shortcut's properties.
-nointroto the end of the target text box (with a space between the path and the code above like this:
"C:\CS2D\CS2D.exe" -nointro)
Step 6:
Launch the game using the appropriate shortcut but do not press any key until you have arrived to the main menu.
Step 7:
You will need to reinsert your password, so do that.
USGN should work now, if it doesn't please describe your problems below.