every once in a while i get messages on discord asking me to get this, i started looking for it and found it in the cloud,
The server has a jail system from which you can escape or pay to be free.
There is also a home system
If you eliminate other players you can become a criminal and they will send you to jail with an deagle shot
car system
secret areas etc
Not being able to upload large files due to the limitation of megabytes that I can use, I am forced to share this nostalgic server through a script post and a third party such as mediafire, It also took me more than two years to share this because I didn't have all the necessary permissions, now I do.
Old serverlove roleplay script its free now the video its here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1HarkIL3HM&t=4s
You can edit the map and all its files to your liking. If you upload an edited version, you must give corresponding credits to the authors of the list. Everything that is not in the credits is made open source for the community, that is, without copyright and anyone. you can use and do whatever you want with that part of the code.
Quick says Good Bye!!!
edited 1×, last 09.01.24 10:17:59 pm