Stranded II General Bug ReportsHere's a small list of what I can remember:
- The bug trap doesn't work well. It lets the trapped animals escape without even opening it.
- I can't stay still on the sail raft, as I'll "drown" on it. And I mean when you're just above the raft's logs, not driving it.
- Not 100% sure, but you can make poison by 2 ways! 1 of them is using a bitterroot, a poisonous mushroom and a stone, while the other requires just the stone and the mushroom. It does even take less time on the last method!
-Not exactly a bug, but in the Gold version, the blood is gone. I have the effects on max, the terrain detail on the middle and no grass detail. What is the problem?
Almost like the commercial games like F.E.A.R et cetera. DC you are getting an important person in the world of gaming
But you have to make enabling the blood effects more difficult or cracking the game to see them won't be that fun
Also, there's a problem with the old man's tent. You can pack it, even if it says you can't. -.-
edited 1×, last 01.07.07 06:19:17 pm
Go to the sea with a hammer,and being able to build anything on water(Logboats,Sailrafts,Bow traps).
Go underwater and wait the air to go something like its half.
Open the build menu,and choose to build something on water(Logboats,Sailrafts,Bow traps).
Put the building site, and when you go back underwater you will have fresh air!
It isnt a serious bug,but whatever!
Another bug
Guesta INFO/SCRIPT bug
Guest LCL-the new! has written
I can't make the little cutscenes,like in the adventure maps. I type in the sequence thing,nothing happens when it's triggered. Please fix this bug.
There is no bug.
Did you scripted the sequence correct, with seqstart and all?
*sorry if it's been posted! *
The cave near the sign and fireplace contains several items , including some food.
The first time, I slept in this cave without touching them first.
All but the 3 torches vanished.
Taking them first, then dropping them (if you need the space, which I do) goes around the problem.
I wanted to try setting up a fenced field.
1) Turning the fence to the orientation I wanted create it there once orientated, even if the location is not the one wanted (impossible to judge it precisely BEFORE orientating the fence).
2) When I tried to exit one fence creation with the 'Escape' key, the game crashed and reported a 'Memory Violation'.
suggestion: it would need a creation validation button, instead of an automatic creation upon stopping to turn the object.
Traps DO capture animals from the island, even if they should not be nearby (for instance a crab), and generate spiders and scorpions.
However, direct observation showed that the animal is only held a few seconds, then reappear outside the trap (still closed).
On my test game (Adventure, first island), lions seem to be able to hit me even if I am up on a tree house, or on hunting tower. Not every time I am up on one, but often enough.
If I save while I am there and a lion below, then load back that game, the lion will then ALWAYS hit.
I have a game save with 3 of those in the lions area, if you want to try that out.